Maps To Do

Why download it?

Measurβ€ͺe‬ area, circumference and distance on map. Create to do lists and notes on overlays. Do you own the field and want to place marker, measure the distance, perimeter, or area of it? Maps To Do is a free app that allows you to evaluate your fields as you need: measure the distance, perimeter, or area and share it with your colleagues straight away!

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Maps To Do

Why download it?

Divide your measurements into different groups. For easier monitoring, you can group fields and give them different colors.

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Maps To Do

Why download it?

Measure it with the unit you want. Maps To Do supports metric length units like centimeters, meters, kilometers and metric area units like squareCentimeters, squareMeters, squareKilometers, ares, hectares. Olso Maps To Do supports imperial length units like inches, feet, yards, miles and imperial are units like squareInches, squareFeet, squareYards, squareMiles, acres.

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Maps To Do

Why download it?

Create to do lists and notes. Use Maps To Do daily planner and task manager features anywhere. Stay organized and manage your day-to-day with Maps To Do. Maps To Do is the task management app that makes it easy to stay organized and manage your work.

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Maps To Do

Why download it?

Don't stick up with just normal, satellite, or terrain map styles. With Maps To Do you can make your own custom map styles.

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Maps To Do

Why download it?

Take photos and save them to the cloud. Share this photos with your colleagues or friends.

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